We are commited to developing the human mind - our most important tool.
or choose a category
Title | Category | Trainer | Days | |
Effective Refactoring to Patterns
Patterns & Craftsmanship |
Włodek Krakowski |
3 dni |
Reactive programming in Java using Mono/Flux, Webflux, Reactor
Java & JVM |
Jakub Nabrdalik Tomasz Nurkiewicz |
3 dni |
Microservices .NET Core - Part I: Application architecture
.NET |
Dariusz Pawlukiewicz Piotr Gankiewicz |
3 dni |
Microservices .NET Core - Part II: Deployment architecture
.NET |
Dariusz Pawlukiewicz Piotr Gankiewicz |
3 dni |
Event Storming workshop for facilitators and modellers
Business Analysis Domain Driven Design and Event Storming |
Sławomir Sobótka Łukasz Szydło Michał Michaluk Mariusz Gil |
2 dni |
Event Storming workshop
Business Analysis Domain Driven Design and Event Storming |
Sławomir Sobótka Łukasz Szydło Michał Michaluk Mariusz Gil |
2 dni |
JavaScript deeper - for those who want to understand JS
JS and Front-end |
Tomasz Ducin |
3-4 dni |
Domain Driven Design Implementation – architectural patterns (part 2)
Domain Driven Design and Event Storming |
Bartłomiej Słota Szymon Szylhabel Szymon Janikowski Łukasz Szydło Sławomir Sobótka Marcin Markowski Michał Michaluk Jakub Pilimon Mariusz Gil |
2 dni |
Modern architecture of web applications - Microservices, REST, noSQL (Java/.NET)
Architecture |
Jakub Kubryński Łukasz Szydło Jakub Marchwicki |
3 dni |
Domain Driven Design - complex business modeling (part 1)
Domain Driven Design and Event Storming Business Analysis |
Sławomir Sobótka Łukasz Szydło Marcin Markowski Jakub Pilimon Michał Michaluk |
3 dni |
Spring Boot - modern architecture and Microservices
Architecture Java & JVM |
Maciej Zubala Jakub Kubryński Jakub Nabrdalik Łukasz Szydło |
3 dni |
Title | Trainer | City | Days | Price | |
Kanban i TOC w praktyce
Adam Myszak | szkolenie zdalne na platformie Zoom, Zajęcia w godzinach 9-15, 6h dziennie | online 3x6h |
2700 PLN + 23% VAT
Radzenie sobie ze stresem i emocjami. Siła rezyliencji.
Anita Przybył | szkolenie zdalne na platformie Zoom, Zajęcia w godzinach 9-15, 6h dziennie | online 3x6h |
1800 PLN + 23% VAT
Jak prowadzić odważne rozmowy: warsztaty z informacji zwrotnej
Anita Przybył | szkolenie zdalne na platformie Zoom, Zajęcia w godzinach 9-13, 4h dziennie | online 2x4h |
890 PLN + 23% VAT
Starter Pack lidera technicznego i lidera zespołu - poziom 2
Kamil Rogulski | szkolenie zdalne na platformie Zoom, Zajęcia w godzinach 9-15, 6h dziennie | online 3x6h |
2000 PLN + 23% VAT
Tap the knowledge of our experts to plan a strategy for reaching your goals. Our hands-on mentors will facilitate the implementation of well-crafted technical solution.
Together, we define architectural goals and quality attributes.
Hands on mentoring helps your team to focus on goals and keep them in sight.
Each new member needs a technical leader whom he follows. Can technical proficiency ber combined with leadership skills? To some degree, yes; we can develop these skills.
We offer a broad pectrum of expertise: JVM, .NET, PHP, JS, Oracle, MSSQL, DevOps.
We offer modeling, technical and business consulting.
Our consulting teams are set up to ensure that their members complement one anothers' strengths.
We strive to bring together technical mastery, a strategic approach to achieving goals, and soft skills.
Bottega is a modern revival of the Renaissance idea of an atelier in which journeymen can refine their craftsmanship under the guidance of a mentor.
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