Praktyki profesjonalnego zespołu. Doskonalenie na poziomie kodu i pracy zespołowej poprzez Pair Programming i Code Rev.
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Wprowadzenie jak i zagadnienia zaawansowane. Moduły Springa, Boot, microservices.
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Warsztaty eksperckie Microservices to formuła, która pozwala wyjść daleko poza przykłady. Dotykamy realnych problemów klienta.
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Nowczesne praktyki testowania automatycznego. BDD, TDD, Spec by Example.
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Idea renesansowej pracowni - Bottegi zakłada nieustanną pracę jej członków i dzielenie się jej wynikami.
Common mistakes when moving to microservices that I'll discuss and provide solutions for: No realistic architecture process (architecture decisions too rigid, or not taken; infra vs domain; architecture guild vs no cooperation, knowledge sharing ) QA thinks testing end-to-end is possible Management wants to control deployment Devs not DevOps Not understanding event based architecture Not using the tools properly (Kafka) Relying on cloud provider shitty tools Error prone team setup Pivots vs domain vs team composition.
The lost art of analysis and acceptance scenarios.
Do you know why the default scope in Java is package-private? Because that's what designers thought should be the most popular scope. Is that the scope you most often see? Adam Tornhill's research shows, that it's not. Java devs recognise only private and public access, which makes them particulary bad at mid-size building blocks. And so our projects look like a lawn right after snow melts: full of shit laying in public.