Motto: Have you read the docs?
Autor książek Mockito Instant oraz Mockito Cookbook.
Twórca kursu Hands-On Guide to Spring Cloud Contract: Creating Consumer-Driven Contracts to Leverage Contract Tests and Improve Your Code oraz współtwórca kursu Applied Continuous Delivery Live Lessons. Współzałożyciel Warsaw Groovy User Group, Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup oraz inicjatywy DiverseIT.
Lead projektów Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract oraz Cloud Pipelines w Pivotalu.
Wprowadzenie jak i zagadnienia zaawansowane. Moduły Springa, Boot, microservices.
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Warsztaty eksperckie Microservices to formuła, która pozwala wyjść daleko poza przykłady. Dotykamy realnych problemów klienta.
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Narzędzia profesjonalnego zespołu. Continous Integration and Delivery, metryki.
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Kompleksowy zestaw szkoleń. Podejście od strony DevOps, architektury aplikacji i integracji oraz kodu i testowania.
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Idea renesansowej pracowni - Bottegi zakłada nieustanną pracę jej członków i dzielenie się jej wynikami.
In this presentation we’ll go through the contents of the Spring Cloud Pipelines project. We’ll start a new project for which we’ll have a deployment pipeline set up in no time. We’ll deploy to Cloud Foundry and check if our application is backwards compatible so that we can roll it back on production.
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Audyty architektury Audyty architektury Audyty architektury |
In this presentation you’ll see how to migrate a legacy application to work with stubs of external applications. We’ll show different ways of increasing your test reliability by writing adding contract tests of your API. You’ll see the difference between producer and consumer driven contracts.
Zuul? Gateway? Should we get rid of Ribbon? What is going on with Hystrix? If you have ever faced those questions, come and listen to this talk. In December 2018, Netflix decided to move a number of their popular OSS projects, like Hystrix and Ribbon into maintenance mode and to make newer, backward incompatible versions of some others, like Zuul and Archaius. The Spring Cloud team moved some of the corresponding Spring-Cloud-Netflix projects into maintenance mode as well and proposed a newer, more modern Spring Cloud stack that could be used instead. During this talk, we would like to show how to move over to these newer solutions. We will discuss possible approaches, show a code demo and speak about potential issues and solutions.
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Nowoczesna architektura systemów opartych o Spring Boot- Microservices, REST, noSQL Reactor i Spring WebFlux: programowanie reaktywne Modelowanie nowoczesnych systemów w kontekście Spring Framework Nowoczesna architektura aplikacji i praktyczna implementacja z użyciem Spring Framework Spring i Spring Boot - wprowadzenie i zagadnienia zaawansowane |
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Audyty architektury Audyty architektury Audyty architektury |