Microservices .NET Core - Part I: Application architecture

Expert workshop is something more than a training. Workshop is focused on client's project.

Code: NET-arch-ms1
Category: .NET Architecture
Format: 30% lecture / 70% ćwiczenia
Duration: 3 days
Target audience: developers
Enrollment: Groups, companies
Venue: Client's office.

After this workshop, you will get a vast understanding of building distributed applications using .NET Core.

By following the good patterns and practices, covering the various aspects of event-driven approach, discussing in-depth topics such as clean architecture, asynchronous integration, internal communication, monitoring, distributed tracing, testing, deployment, containerization and orchestration, you shall find the practical solutions to the most common challenges when it comes to building the microservices.

Moreover, you will get to know how to make use of some of the most acknowledged open source tools being part of Cloud Native Computing Foundation in order to make your solution cloud-agnostic, meaning that it can run on-premise (bare metal) as well as in chosen cloud provider, avoiding any potential vendor lock-in.

Workshop Program

The content of our program can be customised during pre-training analysis.

  1. Event Storming - discovering healthy boundaries
    1. Process Level
      1. Discovering sub-domains
      2. Generic sub-domains based on business archetypes and analytical patterns
      3. Distilling Bounded Contexts
      4. Context Mapping
      5. Strategic integration
        1. Published Language
        2. Open Host
        3. Shared Kernel
        4. Anticorruption Layer
        5. Customer-Supplier
        6. Conformist
    2. Tactical design
      1. Aggregates boundaries
        1. Antipatterns
      2. Policies
  2. Foundations of microservices
    1. The applicability of microservices
    2. Architecture levels
    3. Distributed monolith anti-pattern
  3. DDD in practice
    1. Aggregates and consistency boundaries
    2. Repositories and application services
    3. Domain events
  4. Application architecture
    1. Clean architecture
    2. Implementation of a RESTful API
    3. CQS and CQRS
    4. Infrastructure layer
  5. Event-drive architecture
    1. Integration patterns
    2. Message broker
    3. Data consistency
  6. Integration via events
    1. Event subscription
    2. Event publishing
  7. Transactional messaging
    1. Inbox pattern
    2. Outbox pattern

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Iwona Sobótka

Training coordinator

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